
What gets us a better chance at what money can’t buy — more (and better) time on earth?

The life longevity discussion is missing from the traditional wealth conversation.  

This is why the “EQ of Wealth” is so important — it impacts time, relationships, and wealth.

According to the Surgeon General, loneliness and social isolation increase the risk for premature death by 26% and 29%, respectively.  Money and wealth can be contentious. These things can cause massive rifts in relationships, in families, loved ones and friends. And when you’re in massive conflict with those that love you, loneliness and social isolation are a major risk. 

We can shorten our lives if we are just focusing on the “IQ of Wealth” —  growing our assets. 

A high “Wealth EQ” — the relational side of wealth — allows individuals to have more connections and positive experiences around money and their loved ones, and this increases their chances of getting more of the one thing money can’t buy — time.

We can lengthen our lives by getting smarter about preventing the breakdown of loving relationships around wealth.


Loneliness + Lifespan

In May of 2023, Surgeon General Dr. Vivek H. Murthy (right) declared a Loneliness Epidemic. He brought to national attention the direct correlation between good relationships and lifespan.

Surprise, surprise: We need our people.


Relationships are not just necessary for a fulfilling life, but according to research, for life itself.

Here is the full report, but if you don’t want to read the full 80+ pages of, let me call out the highlights:

Loneliness can cause:

  • 29% increased risk of heart disease

  • 32% increased risk of stroke

  • 50% increased risk of developing dementia for older adults. 

And, the real kicker: 

“Lacking social connection can increase the risk for premature death as much as smoking up to 15 cigarettes a day.”

Maybe this is why the  French can smoke a bunch of cigarettes, eat chocolate, and enjoy long lives. Aside from the fact that everyone has access to great healthcare, France has a culture that prioritizes connection. Only in France can you sit at a table for 7 hours with your close friends and only order one glass of wine, and no one blinks an eye.

Viva la France, I say!

If this data feels scary that’s because it is. But this data is not a death sentence.


Similar to financial compounding, trust and connection can deliver exponential impact through small investments over time

This works to our advantage — it’s the small stuff that can have a lasting impact! Compounding is true to all parts of our lives — James Clear talks about this with habits, Brene Brown and the Gottman Institute knows this with their decades of research, and now the Surgeon General directly points to how this shows up with connection and our health.

One of my favorite studies related to the compounding effects of connection came out of Germany in the 1980’s and was led by Arthur Szabo, professor of psychology at the University of Kiel. 


Kissing = Longer Life

The study showed that men who kiss their wives before they leave work live an average of 5 years longer than men who don't kiss their wives.

The same study also found that the kissing husbands earned 20 to 35 percent more money and used less sick time than their peers who left with no goodbye kiss.

The “EQ of Wealth” is built on that same understanding that great relationships mean massive impact.


The “EQ of Wealth” is the connective tissue between your wealth and the people you love most, but also your health and well-being. 

This is super aligned with one of the Surgeon General suggested solutions for fighting loneliness — “Create a Culture of Connection.”

Here are 3 ways you can “Create a Culture” of Connection based on each component of the “EQ of Wealth.”

  1. The Physical — Take slow breaths for 2 minutes before any potential conflict conversation. Slower breath = slower heart rate. Slow breaths, especially nasal breaths, will efficiently get you out of stress response and into the present moment.

  2. The Emotional — At the beginning of any conversation where you’re feeling nervous, start with gratitude. Gratitude has been shown to calm you down and as per “the physical,” this is very important to build new patterns in relationships.

  3. The Habitual — Set up recurring catch-ups with your friends or people who mean something to you. This automates connection and creates positive interactions between the two of you.

And once you master those 3, it’s time to apply them to build a legacy in partnership in community — whether that’s your family, your friends, or your peers.

LegacyThis work has unleashed millions of dollars for mental health, abortion rights and climate change. When you get your “EQ of Wealth” set, there’s no end to what you can achieve with your legacy. Why? Because you’re not only able to manage your wealth, you’re able to manage the relationships that create massive impact with your wealth.


This is the technical work that gets you a better chance of more (and better) time on earth.

Doing what you love, surrounded by love. And ultimately creating positive change in service of your legacy. 

This work celebrates the small moments that lead to big relationships and even bigger legacies. And if that doesn’t do it for you, maybe the kissing data will?

Kisses with a side of science.
