Clarity Kick-Off

The work before the “actual work”

Don’t mix business and pleasure without doing this one thing.

When it comes to communication — the more touchy the situation, the more money that’s involved…the more you need to be a leader of clarity.

What’s a touchy situation? Maybe you’re starting a new chapter with a relative, launching a business, or investing in a cause. This is a pivotal moment — and getting clarity on how to value the relationship will avoid most of the personal pitfalls and relationship anxiety that comes in working with friends and family. It’s all about what you do BEFORE you do anything else. This is especially true when there’s large amounts of money at stake.   

Being a clarity leader is actually so simple. Be proactive in expressing your needs early on. Lead. The other person will follow and be grateful you did.

With any sort of money relationship, getting in front of this is especially important because of power dynamics.

It’s time to do the “Clarity Kick-Off!”


What is a “Clarity Kick-Off”? 

A clarity kick-off is a meeting that you have with your future collaborator (who may be a friend or family member) before you officially start working together.

The whole focus and goal of this meeting is setting expectations around your relationship — not the project. This is giving your precious relationship the care and clarity upfront so you don’t end up with regrets, poor health, and potentially lawsuits down the line (not kidding).

What to cover in doing the “Clarity Kick-Off”:

  • Show gratitude

  • Set house rules

  • Understand how you want the other person to show up

  • Ask and answer open-ended prompts

A fully-fleshed out “Clarity Kick-Off” step-by-step guide is below.


Try it for yourself!

The guide leads you through, prompts, house rules, and how to show up!


This meeting, early on in a new chapter of a relationship, is your secret weapon for longevity.

They help us to understand the other person’s resistances upfront and address them without having to latch onto some old stories that probably aren’t true.

Most people just go blindly into working together. We’re not doing that anymore. 

When you are actually having a conversation about how the work and where the relationship could go right and go wrong, you’re fully valuing the relationship.  

And when you have relationships that feel valued surrounding your legacy — our life becomes deeply fulfilling and meaningful. 

It’s also life giving. Better relationships = longer life — like a 50% increase in longevity.

Who doesn’t want more time?

