Pioneering emotional intelligence and impact for the next generation of wealth

Leadership coaching for wealth-owning women who want to change the world

One woman, because of WxL Partners’ coaching, unlocked $100M+ of capital to combat climate change in just  2 days — all because she had the courage to get up on stage and use her voice in front of her family and others like her. 

Every woman has the potential to do this if they have the right training. That’s why we’re here.


 Women are at a historic inflection point that could change the future

By 2030, American women are expected to inherit $30 trillion. To make the most of this moment, WxL Partners supports women in having a clear-eyed understanding of how they can use this opportunity of great wealth to have better relationships and a bigger impact.

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WxL Partners created the EQ of Wealth Coaching

What is the EQ of wealth? 

There are 2 types of intelligence. IQ and EQ. Wealth IQ is traditional financial, philanthropic and investment literacy. Wealth EQ is different. It’s about how wealth affects your emotions and relationships and how you can use that wealth to create a meaningful impact. 

The reason that capital gets stuck or delayed is because of the resistance created by family dynamics, relationships and fear. WxL Partners founder, Wendy Wecksell, created coaching centered on Wealth EQ to remove that barrier. 

All so more money can be moved faster to things that make matter.


Hear from your peers

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Meet Wendy

WxL Partners founder, Wendy Wecksell, knows the value of the EQ of wealth personally. She brings her personal experience with inheritance, her trusted community (20+ years) of investors, philanthropists, and founders, alongside a decade of sacrifice, scrappiness, and self-belief that’s required to build something that matters. 

She’s partnered with UHNW individuals, families and brands throughout her career from Morgan Stanley, KPMG, American Express, Chanel, NYU, The Sundance Institute, Tribeca Festival, (RED), Samueli Foundation, George Kaiser Family Foundation, Schusterman Family Philanthropies, Long Angle, Galaxy Gives, Founders Pledge, and SF-based social club The Battery.

WxL Partners is the support you need — to make the impact you want — from someone who gets it.