Money Momentum

If you’re forgetting these 5 things, you’re stopping money from moving

I initially got into philanthropic fundraising because I really liked talking to good people about what they cared about.

Over the last 15+ years, I developed a process for building relationships quickly to set up the perfect grounding that allows money to move, action to occur, and connection to solidify. 

I also realized that most people don’t do this.

I’m sharing it with you so you can move money, take action, and deepen connection with your friends, family, and aligned partners. You have too much big stuff to get done in your lifetime not to.


1) Before an Introduction: Get everyone’s permission

This is very well known best practice, but mentioning it here just in case. Make sure to get both people’s OK before making any introduction. Otherwise, chances are someone isn’t going to want that introduction, and even if they do, not getting both people’s permission could create a negative interaction. We know these small moments really matter because negative experiences have an outsized impact on our relationships because of our innate negativity bias.

2) Upon Introduction: Respond within 24 hours

If someone is kind enough to make an introduction and there’s a lull in responsiveness, you lose your momentum. I will say there is certainly a push/pull dynamic in relationships that is very real, but if you want a meeting or movement to happen, please respond within 24 hours if you can.

3) During the Meeting: Know your top 3 needs!

This is the most important practice in all relationships because what makes any relationship feel good is if everyone’s needs are met. Any time one person sacrifices their needs for another, you create power dynamics — not partnerships in relationships. This is especially important if you’re talking about moving money with people who you know really well (family and friends) as well as people you just met, because in both situations assumptions run rampant.

The kind of clarity you get from knowing your top 3 needs is one of the kindest things you can do.


Unsure of your needs?

You can click on the below link to download a reflection exercise to uncover just that!


4) Post meeting: Follow up within 24 hours

Relationships are built in the follow-up — including with my friends and family. If you have a conversation with someone and you’re eager to move some money, drop an email to them, so the follow up is in writing.

Your note can include:

  • Gratitude for meeting

  • Some clear next steps

  • Something memorable or something that’s sticking with you from the conversation to show that you were actually present. It could be a book that someone mentioned, a story someone told,  a fun fact you learned, or maybe something interesting you learned about their business.

5) Post Meeting: Update the original introducer within 24 hours

I can’t tell you how many people DON’T do this and how important it is!! My friend and professional connector David Homan makes this part of his community rules for Orchestrated Connecting because it’s so integral to relationship building. Follow up with the person who made the intro! Simple. 

This follow-up creates another positive touch point and motivates the person who made the intro to introduce you to more people! It’s basically a dopamine hit.


That’s it. These little things are going to be huge.

Doing them actually makes moving money fun (yes, really).  You might feel afraid, anxious, or worried. Most of what prevents people from taking action is related to emotion, but the EQ of Wealth targets that resistance. It creates a pathway for you to do things that most people avoid. And that pathway is one heck of a ride. 

With a high EQ of Wealth, we can blend the joy of talking to good people about what they care about, with truly exceptional outcomes — like the EQ of Wealth partner who $100M+ moved in their first year on the program. The EQ of Wealth gets to the root of friction and creates momentum, better relationships and the foundation for the big stuff and lasting legacy ahead of you. 

Keep moving!!